Whether you suffer from ingrown toenails on a regular basis, or just want to take care of them, there are several options you have. You can choose from home remedies, at home treatments, or procedures to have them removed.
Procedures for ingrown toenail removal
Surgical procedures for ingrown toenail removal can be performed in a healthcare provider’s office or in an operating room. These procedures are often performed with local anesthetic. These procedures remove the ingrown portion of the nail from the nail matrix, allowing the nail to grow back into place.
Ingrown toenails are caused when the nail grows sideways, into the side of the toe. This can result in an injury to the skin or nail bed, which can make the toe painful to touch. Ingrown toenails are most commonly caused by improper trimming of the nail, or by wearing shoes with inadequate room for the toes.
Ingrown toenails are painful, and they can cause infection. These infections can lead to a long recovery time. If you have an infection, call your doctor immediately. X-rays may be performed to determine whether the infection has spread.
At-Home care for ingrown toenails
Using at-home care as a way of how to treat an ingrown toenail is a great way to manage pain, relieve swelling and reduce the risk of infection. Keeping your feet dry and avoiding tight shoes can also help prevent infections.
Soaking your feet in warm water can help reduce pain and swelling. After each soak, dry your feet thoroughly.
Antibiotic ointment and over-the-counter pain relievers can help you manage pain and prevent infection. You can also use a pointed nail file to remove the ingrown portion of the nail.
Then, bandage your toe to prevent bacteria from getting in. If your toenail is very infected, you may need to see a podiatrist or foot specialist. You can also buy a toe brace in the foot care section of your local pharmacy. This will keep your toe in a straight position and reduce pressure.
If you have a weakened immune system, you may be more susceptible to infection from an ingrown toenail. Your doctor may prescribe antibacterial ointment or corticosteroid cream.
A mild ingrown toenail can be treated at home by placing a piece of cotton under the nail. You can also apply a disinfectant like hydrogen peroxide to the affected area.
If you have diabetes or circulation problems, you should consult a foot specialist or clinician. You may also need to wear special shoes, such as low-heeled shoes, to prevent further injury to your toes.
Prevention of ingrown toenails
Keeping your feet clean and dry at all times is important for your general health. If you notice any signs of an infection, you should seek medical attention. Ingrown toenails should be treated as soon as possible.
Wearing shoes that fit well is also a great way to prevent ingrown toenails. This helps prevent pressure on your toes when you are walking. You should also wear socks that are roomy and allow your toes to move freely.
Ingrown toenails are very painful and can result in an infection. They also may cause swelling and redness. You can treat an ingrown toenail at home by filing or clipping the nail. You may also want to apply antibiotic ointment.
Some people may want to consider surgical removal. A doctor may recommend a procedure to remove a portion of the underlying nail bed or nail root. The procedure may be performed under local anesthesia.
If you don’t have any infection, you can try soaking your foot in room-temperature water. Soaking it helps to reduce the swelling and pain.
You can also apply an antiseptic ointment three times a day. This can help prevent infection and promote healing. You should also bandage the toe after applying the ointment.
If your ingrown toenail is causing severe pain or is affecting your daily activities, you should see a doctor. Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics.